
Well I have photographed 2 newborns in the last week alone! Its amazing how adorable and tiny everything is. Once they get sleeping, its a great pleasure to work with them. Probably the best clients! They do what ever you want with out complaint or disobedience. Well sometimes. Its a little difficult to get them in the right position if they are so fast asleep that their bodies can't keep itself upright or stay in any given position for long.


I have discovered that lighting is KEY! This seems to be a reoccurring theme for me. Lighting is key. A beautiful, perfect shot can be ruined by shadows and poor lighting. I also discovered that while the Prime 50mm lens is excellent it is also very sensitive which I believe I mentioned in a previous post. 


What I found myself mostly using for the second newborn shoot was my standard 18-55mm lens. It was a great versatile lens that was capable of getting the close ups I wanted as well as some of the full body shots. I will be looking into something similar with perhaps a better over all F-stop, AF motor in response to my camera and a different focal point. 


Over all, I had a great couple shoots and both sets of parents are thrilled with my results. 


Take a look under NEWBORN for some of my most recent work.



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Comments: 1
  • #1

    family portrait photographers (Tuesday, 16 January 2018 12:18)

    Thanks for sharing amazing photography blog. In a poor lighting you capture a beautiful photo. Keep it up.