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Battle of the Band's 2016

Well, it's Peterborough's Battle of the Band's at The Red Dog tomorrow night.

 I have been invited by some previous clients to be apart of the event as their official Photographer! It's a slightly new band. 3 of 4 original band members, new name, new sound! Can't wait to see the progression they have made and to document their amazing transition. Not only the exposure but the environment promises to be worth the stage lights, stress and pressure of making them look just as amazing on camera as they do on the stage!



Well I have photographed 2 newborns in the last week alone! Its amazing how adorable and tiny everything is. Once they get sleeping, its a great pleasure to work with them. Probably the best clients! They do what ever you want with out complaint or disobedience. Well sometimes. Its a little difficult to get them in the right position if they are so fast asleep that their bodies can't keep itself upright or stay in any given position for long.


I have discovered that lighting is KEY! This seems to be a reoccurring theme for me. Lighting is key. A beautiful, perfect shot can be ruined by shadows and poor lighting. I also discovered that while the Prime 50mm lens is excellent it is also very sensitive which I believe I mentioned in a previous post. 


What I found myself mostly using for the second newborn shoot was my standard 18-55mm lens. It was a great versatile lens that was capable of getting the close ups I wanted as well as some of the full body shots. I will be looking into something similar with perhaps a better over all F-stop, AF motor in response to my camera and a different focal point. 


Over all, I had a great couple shoots and both sets of parents are thrilled with my results. 


Take a look under NEWBORN for some of my most recent work.




Brrrrrr... But we got some great shots!

What an AMAZING shoot!!!! Cold as... yeah I wont go there but I'm sure you can imagine.


Despite my flash not wanting to work which I later found out was due to my batteries...who knew? You learn something every day and I honestly didn't realize the symptom of dead batteries would be the flash not going off even though it still turned on and warmed up.  Jeesh. Lession learned. Just glad it was a pretty over cast yet BRIGHT day. Besides, its a rock band. We dont want to be TOO cheerful!


The cold was also a major issue. We were not expecting it to be that bad, but we all fought through it and are better people for it! Some great shots over looking Peterborough with the famous clock tower in the background. Blurred out just enough for effect but can still make out what it is. 


It was an experience, for us all. Just glad I got to put my photoshop skills to use, in a good way of course.


And what a GREAT band of guys to work with! I think I may have been a bit more nervous than them but the thought of warming up with a nice beer after it was all said and done gave them the endurance to push through the numb fingers and toes.


Take a look on the page titled Before The Fall  for a sneak peak at some of my favorite shots!


Happy Snapping!


Band Shoot!


This is my first blog post... Like ever!! I'm not even really sure how these things are supposed to look like or be written, but I am willing to give it a shot!

Right now, I am not only writing this post but also cleaning out all my camera cards, and making sure my camera is ready to go! Want to know why? Tomorrow, weather permitting, I have my first big photo shoot!!! 

I was honorably asked to do a photo shoot for a local band. They have a few gigs coming up, and just launched their Facebook page so they need some photos to fill it in and make them look legit! Okay fine, I guess I can tell you who I am talking about. Before They Fall, is a 4-man rock band based out of Peterborough, ON. I am so excited to be apart of this and can't wait to go on location. We have a couple places that should provide a great back drop for the type of look we want to achieve. Edgy and unique like each one of the members. Bringing forth their own personal styles along with the overall feel of the band as a whole. After using the greatest thing ever invented - Pinterest for some serious inspiration, I think we have some good ground to start with.

This is just as new of an experience for them as it is for me so we will all be learning something along the way. I know lighting may play a major roll in how this all goes but at the same time, rock music is rarely about sunshine and rainbows so this could go just how we want it. 

Stay tuned for more info on how the shoot went, what equipment I found best, and what didn't work. As well as photos posted to my site and theirs!

Happy Snapping!